- Main texts: Ex 15:22-26, Mat 8:16 -17
<p> "If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have</p>brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you." (Ex 15:26, NKJV)
Healing can be defined as the act of changing, fixing back or restoring the physical, psychological and spiritual conditions in order to make the body function properly.
Health refers to the perfect state of social, political, physical and economic conditions and not
the mere absence of disease.(According to World Health Organization)
Healing provided for the children of God through the atoning death of Jesus Christ and
the working power of the Holy Spirit.
2. MEDICAL HEALING – 2 Kin 20-7, Col 4:14
The scriptures (Bible) do not forbid the use of medicines that is, herbal preparations, chemicals or other drugs. It is therefore advisable for God’s children to seek help from qualified medical practitioners (doctors and others) alongside prayers when they fall sick.
Do not forget God, because doctors cure diseases, it is only God who is the Healer
3. PSYCHIC OR SPIRITUALIST HEALING Lev. 19:31. Deut 18:10-14
It simply means healing of diseases provided in connection with activities of supernatural forces other than God. (devil, demons, sorcerers witches/wizards and other evil spirits etc)
Any kind of psychic, or Spiritualistic healing, whether attached to medicine or not, is unscriptural, demonic, and counterfeit to divine healing. DO NOT ENTERTAIN THEM!
By His nature, God desires that His people stay healthy always. That is the reason why He revealed Himself as Jehovah-Rapha to Moses and the Israelites at Marah. There are many instances of healing in the bible, because God has been performing different acts of healing to help man to function properly as He desires.
The ministry of Jesus was not only preaching and teaching, but full of healings. By defining healing as fixing back or restoring, we see in the Bible God healing various situations from land, food,
water, etc, to the human body.
Healing of the waters of Marah - Ex 15:23-26
Healing of Naaman's Leprosy - 2 King 5:1-14
Healing of water with salt- 2 kin 2:19-22
Healing of the prophet's food - 2 kin 4:38-41
Healing of the Land - 2 Chron 7: 14
It must be noted here that God performs all these kinds of healing to make man live a life that is worry-free so that He can be worshipped without any hindrances. Are you sick? Run to Jesus now, for He is ready to heal you today.
Stay blessed

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