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Weapons of the devil which kills

Main Theme: 

The Deadly Weapons of the Devil
Text: EPH. 6:11-12

_"Put on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against *the devil’s strategies*. For our struggle is not against human opponents, but against rulers, authorities, cosmic powers in the darkness around us, and evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realm."_

The devil is an experienced thief who has a lot of strategies to use against the Children of God.  In this  Ephesians epistle, Paul advises Christians not to fight against the devil but his strategies...
He keeps on throwing these in the form of arrows against your soul. If a young comes your way  you need to face it with:

The right assurance from the word for God.
Effective Prayer
Righteous Lifestyle 

When the Devil comes with any of the listed weapons, remember the text written against it. 
1. Disappointment -  Romans  8:28 
2. Discouragement -  1 Samuel  20:6 
3. Despair - - -  2Corinthians 4:8 
4. Doubt - - -  1 Timothy  2:8 
5. Disbelief - - -  Hebrews 3:12 
6. Distraction - -  Matthew  14:30 
7. Double-mindedness-  James 1:8;4:8 
8. Dishonesty - -  2Corinthians  4:2 
9. Deceit - - -  Jeremiah 17:9 
10. Dullness - - -  Hebrews 5:11 
11. Deadness - -  Revelation 3:1 
12. Delay - -  Proverbs  27:1 
13. Discord - - -  Proverbs 16:16-19 
14. Defilement - -  1Corinthinas 3:16-17 
15. Defame - - -  Psalm 101:5 
16. Disobedience - -  Romans 6:14-18

May the power of the Holy Spirit be abundant for you to be able identify the devil's plans against your life. Deal with all his tricks to ensure God's victory in you life.
© Pastor William Boachie-Ansah

Weapons of the devil which kills Weapons of the devil which kills Reviewed by Pastor Boachie-Ansah on 7:39 AM Rating: 5

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