An article I wrote in 2012....
Beloved in Christ Jesus, as we celebrate the Work of James McKeown this week, we feel obligated to compile some of the things we’ve heard and read about him here for the sake of the younger generation.
As you read about him, bear in mind that you will give to support Missions, which happened to be what he was most passionate about. Take note that James McKeown is the founder if our great church, The Church of Pentrcost which now has branches in over 90 countries around the world.
Rev. James Mckeown was born on September 12th, 1900, at Ballymena in N.Ireland to his Irish parents, William John Mckeown and Elizabeth Thompson. He was brought up in a Christian home. He knew his Bible and even liked the idea of becoming a minister when he grew up.
At the age of nineteen, he became converted through the ministry of Rev. Robert Mercer. Rev. George Jeffreys of the Elim Four Square Gospel Alliance in Ballymena, baptized James and Sophia, who later became his wife. He received his Holy Spirit baptism later. Rev James Mckeown left school at the age of eleven. Sophia however, got educated to the advanced age of nineteen and studied dressmaking for two years becoming a fully qualified seamstress. Rev. James assisted his father on the farm and later became a tram driver, when an inspector on Glasgow ’s tram put James’ name forward.
He got married to Sophia Kennock, in 1927. Sophia was attracted to James because of his praying habit. She said, she never heard anyone prayer like that before.
At an Elim meeting, at which both James and Sophia were present, there was a prophecy that someone from that group would go to Africa. Rev. James came into contact with the Apostolic whilst at Glasgow. At a large Apostolic convention in England, it was specifically prophesied that James and Sophia should go to West Africa as Missionaries. Both James and Sophia were not present at the convention. The executive finally informed him about the prophecy. However, like Moses, he looked into himself and realized his weaknesses. He refused the call chiefly because of his inadequate formal training.
Fifteen months went by before he accepted the call when he could no longer contain the persistent cries of Sophia, urging him to do so. James left the United Kingdom for the then Gold Coast on a boat in February 1937. On March 4th, 1937, Rev. James arrived in the then Gold Coast to begin work as resident missionary of the Apostolic Church of Bradford.
Rev. James Mckeown’s vision was to help establish the Church and announce the good news of God’s Kingdom and to be a living testimony to the people about the power of God.
The Apostolic Missionary arrived at a time and period of profound social and political awareness, which was to pave the way for the independence of the Nation in 1957. During that time, formal education was at its infant stage. The progress of Christianity in the Gold Coast was also slow, with the greater proportion of her people worshipping idols.
Rev. James therefore began his full-gospel ministry within the setting of social and political tension on the other hand, and general spiritual darkness on the other. He plunged into action and worked tirelessly in towns and villages in the southern part of the Gold Coast winning thousands of converts who in turn witnessed to other people about Christ.
As a man of action, Rev. James personally took part in manual work undertaken by the Church. For example, he was actively involved in the construction of the first Mission house at Asamankese. Such display of humility and service characterized his ministry to the extent that the people among whom he worked emulated his example.
He lived as an African in very many ways. His meals were, for that matter, locally prepared. Earlier in his ministry, when development projects had not reached the rural areas, he drunk from the typical African well dug out for him by the members. His ministry also involved extensive trekking on foot and across streams and rivers.
He was an honest, gently, affable and respected man of God. As a condiment and skillful leader, he combined humility with firmness to nurture the Church of Pentecost to the height of success. By his wisdom granted by God, he chose a band of selfless disciples who pioneered the Church from hard times to the present glorious day. Rev. James always insisted on self-reliance as against soliciting for financial assistance from abroad.
In early 1982, Rev. James decided to hand over the mantle of leadership to an African minister. He explained that age was having a telling effect on him and that it was time he tired. So on the tenth of October 1982, he inducted into office, Rev. F. S. Sarfo (deceased). He later left the shores of the country for the U.K. from where he was fed with reports on the progress of the church. In 1984, Rev. James paid his last visit to the country.
In early 1982, James Mckeown handed over leadership of the Church to a Ghanaian, Rev. F. S. Sarfo, and inducted him into office in October 1982 after which left Ghana. He paid his last visit to the West African country in 1984.
His wife Sophia died on January 27, 1983. James died on May 4, 1989, at his home in Ballymena, Northern Ireland.
1. "Prayer is the work, and the work is prayer."
2. "The seed that was sown and watered with much tears of prayer has borne fruits. The big question now is “Will the fruit remain” (He was contemplating on the future of the church)
3 “Stop preaching rats; preach Christ!” (He was drawing a pastor's attention to the fact that he was overemphasizing an illustration with a rat story in his preaching)
4. "Who brought this man into ministry?" This was the question he would ask whenever a young minister flopped in one way or another. He expected people to be properly mentored before they were recommended for ministry.
1. Too harsh. Some people are of the opinion that he treated his workers in harsh manner.
2. Too inconsiderate. He would not easily permit ministers to attend to personal matters such as attending funerals of relatives.
3. Trusted elders more than Pastors. If Elders make any report to him about ministers, he could easily sanction such ministers.
4. Too swift in decision-making, especially about transfer of Ministers. He could transfer one minister twice in a year.
1. Lazy ministers.
2. Money-conscious pastors. (He used to call them greedy grabbers).
3. Lying church officers, especially Elders.
4. Pastors who engage in other works such as farming, etc at the expense of ministry
5. Church members not being assisted to receive Holy Ghost Baptism.
As we reflect on the biography of one of the greatest missionaries to Africa, may his Mission-minded Spirit spread to every member of this church so that each of us would be able to give our time, talent and treasure to promote the Kingdom business of our great Lord and Master Jesus Christ. Stay blessed.
+233 244 137 880
Reviewed by Pastor Boachie-Ansah
7:36 AM

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