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He did not have marital relations with her until she had given birth to a son; and he 25named him Jesus (Mat. 1:)

This man Joseph...
He agreed to marry a pregnant woman,
Lived with her
Took care of her
for more than 10 months without.......
Without having sex...
and still taking full responsibility
of a pregnancy he knew nothing about.
All because she said an angel had appeared to her
And had convinced her
that her pregnancy was from heaven..

And how can this man convince his people: friends and family...
And the religious leaders
that he had not sinned
for taking Mary to be his wife
because he was acting under the instruction of an angel?
Which people could believe the story of these young man?

Joseph's friends could abandon him because it would be shameful
to identify with this 'malleable, pliable, moron'
who could easily succumb to a cat and bull story of a lying pregnant girl...

When you talk about Mary during Christmas,
don't forget Joseph..

'Twas he who took the most uncomfortable decisions.
'Twas his total obedience
that made the Christmas story complete.
Oh yes! His compliance and co-operation beautified the Christmas Story

Hail not Mary without Joseph.
For he feared and fully obeyed God.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

© Pastor William Boachie-Ansah

MY CHRISTMAS STORY MY CHRISTMAS STORY Reviewed by Pastor Boachie-Ansah on 11:01 AM Rating: 5

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