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Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I doI press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus... Philippines 4:13-14
Beloved of God. We thank the Lord for sailing Ghana through the turbulent season of election to a peaceful Haven. Now that the results  have been declared, we ask all of you to congratulate your friends on the winning side. Those who won should also console their friends who find it difficult to face the reality of defeat. Take note that people at each end of the political divide have either won or lost before...
This is now the period of reflection for both parties.
Now that the game is over,
#Winners should reflect on how to fulfill all the numerous promises which moved people to vote for them within the next four years.
#Losers on the other hand, need to reflect on how to repackage themselves and conduct themselves well in opposition.
#We ask you to also reflect on good and bad lessons learned from the campaigning period...  The good and bad speeches, photos and videos, what caused some to lose and others to win. Let the lifestyle of those who won as well as those who lost teach you lessons.
So from now you can share any lessons youve learnt personally with us on this platform. But make sure you are considerate in your choice of words.
Forget the past now and strive for what is ahead.
God bless you all.
© Pastor William Boachie-Ansah 10/12/2016
THE GAME IS OVER NOW THE GAME IS OVER NOW Reviewed by Pastor Boachie-Ansah on 9:17 AM Rating: 5

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