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This is a message I released to check excesses in my people after the elections. You may do same it may help calm down nerves of your members....

Good Morning beloved people of God. We bless the Lord for guiding the people of this nation through another successful elections.
We are a very grateful to all the stakeholders in the elections for comportment and professionalism exhibited so far.
As at now, it is clear that Nana Akufo Addo of the NPP is going to win the elections. We are by this message urging all of you to exercise restraint until the EC comes out with official declaration. From the look of things, that may unfortunately NOT take place today,  but tomorrow as many people expect, due to many factors to be put into consideration.
As we wait,  we ask all of you to conduct yourselves very well, first as mature Christians,  second as patriotic citizens and lastly as responsible political party members. Please TAKE note of the following admonitions.

1. Go to work today,  today is not a holiday.

2. Avoid excessive jubilations or overgrieving as it may apply in your case. Mature Christians should know how to conduct themselves in every situation.

3. Never cast insinuations on anybody. Those whose party is winning should avoid insulting the President and his followers. In the same way,  those whose party is losing should demonstrate maturity and behave like good sportsmen: as honorable and dignified losers.

4. Whenever the results are declared, please conduct yourselves well.

5. Don't post any provocative thing in any of our church Whatsapp groups. We won't take it kindly if anybody flouts this. Two people will be appointed to to post RELEVANT information about the elections for educational purposes only.

6. Never use any jubilations or grieving as an excuse to participate in any church activities.

7. No matter how distasteful you may find any post, never leave this group. Jesus is the reason for this group, not any individual member who may occasionally offend you.

8. Express your opinions in a candid way without attacking the personality of the one who posted. 

God bless you all.
© Pastor William Boachie-Ansah 9/12/2016

POST-ELECTION CONDUCT POST-ELECTION CONDUCT Reviewed by Pastor Boachie-Ansah on 10:02 AM Rating: 5

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