INTRODUCTION: In the previous discussions, we have been exploring the reasons why some church members are not being loyal to their churches but have been hopping from one church to another. We discussed lack of church discipline in the previous time. This time we are going to discuss the improper usage of the prophetic ministry.
The Role of the Prophet
In the Old Testament period, prophet was seen as a spokesman for God; he spoke in God's name and by his authority (Ex 7:1). He is the mouth by which God speaks to men (Jer 1:9; Isa 51:16), and hence what the prophet says is not of man but of God (2Pe 1:20,21; compare Heb 3:7; Ac 4:25; 28:25). Prophets were the immediate organs of God for the communication of his mind and will to men (De 18:18,19). The foretelling of future events was not a necessary but only an incidental part of the prophetic office. The great task assigned to the prophets whom God raised up among the people was "to correct moral and religious abuses, to proclaim the great moral and religious truths which are connected with the character of God, and which lie at the foundation of his government."
In the New Testament church, Prophets are people called to the high office in the church who are spirit filled proclaimers and interpreters of the word of God. They are called to warn, exhort comfort and edify the church. (Act 2:14-36,1Cor 14:30) it must be noted here that prophecy refers to the supernatural ability to perceive the deeper meaning of a situation.
They exercise the gift of prophecy and sometimes foretell the future (Act 11:28) They expose sin, proclaim righteousness warn people of judgment to come, combat worldliness and lukewarmness among God’s people (Luke 1:14-17). The true prophet of God operates in the following gifts: word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discerning of spirits, prophecy and teaching. There are false prophets just like false apostles.
God appoints prophets in the church (1 Cor. 12:28; Eph. 4:11). The early church had numerous prophets. Some made predictions (Acts 11:27; 21:10). Others served in encouraging and strengthening (Acts 15:32). In Antioch, they worked with teachers (Acts 13:1). Philip's four daughters prophesied (Acts 21:9). Paul referred to a prophetic message that accompanied Timothy's ordination (1 Tim. 1:18; 4:14). On the Day of Pentecost, when people spoke in tongues, Peter said it fulfilled a scripture about men and women prophesying (Acts 2:17-18; cf. Acts 19:6).
In summary, prophets help the church by comforting, edifying, encouraging, instructing, strengthening and sometimes by predicting. Much as many prophets stick to this powerful divine mandate, a whole lot of them have been bringing this dine office into disrepute.
.. To be continued
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