God will crush Satan under your feet
Theme: The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet”
Texts: Rom. 16:17-20, Gen 3:14-15, John 19:17 and, Rev 13:1-6
We thank the Lord so much for all the powerful ministrations which we have witnessed throughout the Convention. I was particularly touched by the ministration of Apostle Mike Etrue who spoke on the power of the Cross. My message is a direct continuation because the Holy Spirit gave me a direct insight as he spoke.
In the first scripture, Paul had concluded the epistle to the Romans at the end of chapter 15 but changed his plans to greet his friends and fellow workers. It was in the course of his salutations that an issue cropped in... It is in connection with the only seemingly unfulfilled messianic prophecy of the Bible which is found in Gen 3:15.
God gave a messianic message that the enemy will be crushed - Gen 3:14-15. When Satan stripped Adam and Eve of their God-given dominion and power over all creatures, they were judged. Satan too received his portion which ended with a messianic prophecy that his head will be crushed. This could not be fulfilled till Christ was crucified at Golgotha
Compare -Jn 19:17 and, Rev 13:1-6
Why should Satan be crushed?
1.To make him him loose his hold over the life of men
2. To dethrone him from ruling Hades 3. To humiliate him before the Church age is launched.
What can crush Satan?
Nobody knew the cross was Jesus' weapon!!!
Do you understand why the cross was so huge?
Do you understand why God chose a carpenter to be Jesus' earthly father?
Jesus badly wounded Satan in order to make him powerless... Powerless so that the church can effectively handle the enemy.
So by the power of the cross, Jesus has defeated Satan. He has been placed under your feet. Let him remain just there!! Jesus has won the victory over the enemy. He has handed over the power He used to the church!Eph 4 clearly states that he has given the church the power through the blood He shed on the Cross.
Paul also assured the Roman Church that Jesus will crush Satan under their feet. The reality is that Jesus has already crushed Satan under our feet but because the Roman church was relatively new one with most of the members being new converts, they needed to grow in the knowledge of God.
In the same way, for us to be able to keep the devil under our feet, there are certain issues we have to deal with.
1. Take captive of your fears
2. Walk in the resurrection power
3. Respect and obey church authority.
4. Watch out, and keep away from certain people
•Divisionists... Those who work against the unity of the church.
•Placers of obstacles.. Don't allow anybody to place obstacles in your way.
•Teachers of false doctrine.. Those who teach anything as the word of God, because ....they do not serve God.....they flatter, deceive -they are hypocrites compare Phil 3:17, 2Thess 3:6, 14
5. Be wise, obedient and innocent
6. Keep reminding yourself of your present state.
7. Forget about your past and press forward.
It is my prayer that as you go away from this convention you will allow the Holy Spirit to refresh your spirit in every way as the power of the Cross leads you in your business, marriage and your spiritual journey.
Stay blessed.

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