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“For everything that has its true character made manifest is clear as light. And that is why it is said--'Sleeper, awake! Arise from the dead, and the Christ shall give thee light!' Take great care, then, how you live--not unwisely but wisely, Making the most of every opportunity; for these are evil days”. Ephesians 5:14-16, (Twentieth Century New Testament)

Time and tide wait for no man… Opportunity comes but once. So the sages say. These corroborate what the good old Book of Books admonishes the children of the Most High God to do.

In ministry and even every field of life, there is an attitude which could be identified with all who are successful. They put a positive attitude to involve themselves in positions which make them to take the maximum advantage of any opportunity that comes their ways. This means they are able to carry to success whatever turns up around them. In other words, one should be able to sight opportunities and generate such chances deliberately. Let us go deep into these.

The word opportunity simply implies a chance, especially one that offers some kind of advantage; favorable conditions. The etymological idea is derived from sailors setting their sails in such a way that they can take advantage of a prevailing wind. It means that sailors who do this apply little or no effort, but the wind carries the ship to the designated port. Opportunity as explained describes the suitableness in moment and favourable timing for pursuing a particular purpose or goal. As ministers of God it is imperative for us to, as Henry David Thoreau puts it, "..Live in the present, launch yourself on every wave to find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other life but this." The following are some of the sources where opportunities could be sighted for personality development and advancement:

Technology has a way of making life easy, more productive and comfortable. The bigger one adjusts to and applies technology, the bigger the opportunities opened for personal advancement. There is the urgent need for people who want to get to the top to quickly adjust their lives in order to flow freely with modern technology. Pastors could be more effective by applying technology in their research, preaching, counseling and church growth. It is even possible now to acquire a degree from a university without your physical presence on campus. Better and faster means of transport are now available. Instant messaging is available. The Facebook for instance can avail to you seamless opportunities for connecting with the right people to propel you to stardom. Never bury yourself in mediocrity.
Since technology can make or unmake us, we should do all possible to learn new ways of doing things otherwise we become redundant and lose much as far as our personal development is concerned.

Political changes bring uncertainties and people find it difficult in taking risk-involving decisions. But political changes bring more opportunities for people to take up new challenges. Through political changes, you may be called upon to become a member of a committee in your community. When such opportunities come, utilize them because they may help you to establish contacts with people in authority. If a policy is not favourable to your vision and mission, there is the need for you and your team to modify aspects of your mission in order not to fall prey to irrelevant litigation and negative publicity

Some policies of the government in power could go a long way to help you add value to yourself and ministry. This is to give you the idea that one government decision is capable of producing financial benefits to those who are able to identify and seize the opportunities. For instance, if government policy fovours financial empowerment of credit unions, it would be very expedient for you to organise your church members to form a co-operative credit union, access loans from the financial institutions to expand your ministry or help your members to expand their businesses.

These are problems which emanate from changes in societal norms as well as population characteristics. These present challenges which, if rightful strategy is adopted to effectively arrest the situation, could propel you to stardom. For instance, if your ministry is able to develop a strategy by forming a strong organization which has been able to mobilize all Christians who used to be Rastafarians for "Rastafarian Evangelism", many people including big men would hear of it and within a short time your name would become a household one in the country.

Looking for loopholes in Christian or national institutions and seeking to change the status quo may present a good opportunity for personal development and advancement. Martin Luther became famous for his '99 Thesis’ which challenged the Sale of Indulgence by the Roman Catholic Church.

After identifying the opportunities, there is the need for one to seek to do something by having resilient determination, employing the right and appropriate strategy and personal style to make sure that the vision is not only incubated but also effectively and timely implemented for personal and corporate success to be realized. If you don’t act fast, somebody somewhere may overtake you. The devil may also see it and close the door behind you. That is why the Bible says we should be awake and wise. That is why the Bible says the days are evil; evil because the enemy has set an agenda in place to close every door of opportunity in your life whenever you don’t keep yourself awake.

May the Good Lord help you to realize all your potentials. May He give you the eyes to identify and utilize every opportunity that comes your way. Stay blessed.


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