We have been reading about this prophetic message in Matthew 1:23 without going deep into its origin. For this Christmas Convention, we would do more background study into the “Immanuel” prophecy…
King Ahaz Son of Jotham, and twelfth king of Judah, ascended the throne at twenty years of age, and reigned sixteen years, around B. C. 738, (2Ki 16:1,2,20). He was distinguished for his idolatry and contempt of the true God, Many of the prophecies of Isaiah were directed against him. The story begins with a very despairing background information...
The southern Kingdom of Judah was in trouble. An allied force comprising, the Northern Kingdom (their own brothers) and Syria had come to attack Jerusalem, the capital city. Ahaz, the king of Judah, decided to sneak out of Jerusalem quietly, but God sent his prophet Isaiah to meet him at the point of his need.... And it was during their interactions that God came out with a great prophecy concerning the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and His abiding presence with His people. Even though Jerusalem was saved from their enemies, the prophecy was not limited to the deliverance of Judah, but it revealed God's plan of salvation for all peoples of this world...
Why was the king running away?
It was expected that the king would be indoors at that time, probably strategizing with his elders and military leaders, or in the temple of God praying for divine intervention, as had been the norm among some good kings of Israel. But he was found at the outskirts of Jerusalem, running away secretly from his people! But he didn’t know God had seen what he was trying to do.
Why should a leader abandon his people in such times?
1. He feared.
Great fear seized him (v.2). Fear is one of the principal weapons of Satan, the enemy of our souls. It is used to cause people not to think properly. Whenever there is fear, decision-making comes to a crisis.
2. Negative past experience.
He had been defeated by a similar alliance by Israel and Syria before, (2 Chron 28:5-6). One greatest disappointment in life is to realize that the one you consider as a ‘brother’ or ‘Sister’ has turned against you. What happened to him, the bitter experiences, caused him to avoid be shamed and humbled the second time.
3. Probably he wanted to consult some local deities outside Jerusalem.
There are so many Christians who see the need to come to God only in good times but when troubles come up, they seek help from ‘somewhere’. Probably, He wanted to succumb to the “fa baabi kakra” syndrome.
4. He had given up
He saw no need leading the people again. Are you giving up? Would you give up when you really know the God that you serve?
It was in such a distressing situation that the Lord revealed what was going on to Isaiah. He was asked to chase the king and encourage him to come back home which he did.
Why are you giving up?
There are so many Christians suffering the fate of this king today who have decided to run away, just as king Ahaz did.
Dear Christian, keep on moving on, for in no time, God will surely give you a sign of His presence and protection.
No matter your situation, don't panic, Jesus is still in control. Don't run away, your miracle is on the way.
God bless you.
To be continued.
©2024 Pastor William Boachie-Ansah
Reviewed by Pastor Boachie-Ansah
6:19 AM

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