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Texts: Mark 3:13-15; Luke 6;12-13
And He went up on the mountain and called to Him those He Himself wanted. And they came to Him. Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons:
Jesus called many people to be with Him. Later on, He selected twelve people out of them to become His Disciples. They were the same people who became apostles. As a Christian leader, you must have the ability to spot and recruit more workers for His Kingdom. Take note that A disciple of Christ may now be defined as one who believes his doctrine, rests upon his sacrifice, imbibes his spirit, imitates his example, and lives to do his work. It is your duty to bring people closer to you, train them, empower them and dispatch them to do the works of ministry as disciples of Christ.

Jesus had to pray all night in order to choose His 12 disciples. You see the church needs more leaders. You should be able to spot, bring out new people and train them consciously to be able to take over from you whenever the need would arise. The process is very important and leaders should invest consciously in it in order to ensure seamless continuity in church leadership.
Identifying emergent leaders in your church is crucial for the effective growth and advancement of your ministry.

These leaders have the potential to become future pastors, elders, deacons, and serve as pillars of the church community. It is important to have a clear criteria for identifying these leaders so that you can cultivate their leadership skills and help them develop in their role. Here are some practical strategies for spotting emergent leaders in your church:

1. Look for people who have a servant’s heart

One of the most important qualities of a great leader is the willingness to serve and help others. Look for individuals who are actively involved in serving the church community, whether it be volunteering with children’s ministry, youth group, outreach programs, or other initiatives. Individuals with a servant’s heart tend to have an eagerness to go above and beyond in their duties and are motivated by a desire to help others grow in their faith. They are also typically humble, kind, and compassionate.
Observe their attitude and behavior

Take note of how individuals behave in the church setting. Are they respectful towards others? Do they have a positive attitude? Do they show a genuine interest in helping others? Observing individuals’ behavior in different settings can help you identify whether they have what it takes to be a leader. Individuals with a positive attitude, a willingness to learn, and a willingness to help others are more likely to possess the attributes needed for leadership.

2. Seek out individuals who are committed and dependable

Leadership requires a strong sense of commitment and dependability. Look for individuals who are consistent in their attendance and actively participate in church activities. Dependable individuals arrive on time, are prepared, and are committed to their duties. They also follow through with their commitments, and do not shy away from added responsibility. Seek out individuals who are reliable in demonstrating their commitment to the church and its mission.

3. Identify individuals who are open to new ideas

A great leader is open to new ideas and different perspectives. Look for individuals who are receptive to feedback and suggestions, and who are not afraid to try new approaches. Individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to adapt to new situations and learn from new experiences, which is a valuable trait for a leader. Make sure your emerging leaders have a willingness to listen and an eagerness to learn and grow.

4. Look for individuals who have a heart for evangelism

The church’s main mission is to reach out to others and share the love of Christ. Emerging leaders should have a heart for evangelism, and be eager to share their faith with others. Look for individuals who have a passion for the lost, who seek out opportunities to share their faith, or who naturally draw others to Christ.

5. Observe individuals interacting with others

It’s important to observe individuals in different social interactions to see how they interact with others. Take note of how they speak to others, how they handle conflict, and whether they are well-liked within the church community. Individuals who are respected and admired by others may have the potential to lead others more effectively. Observe how individuals communicate verbally and non-verbally, how they approach others, and how they give and receive feedback.

6. Look for individuals who have a teachable spirit

Leaders who have a teachable spirit are always willing to learn and grow. They are open to new ideas, and they actively seek out opportunities to improve their skills. Look for individuals who are willing to listen and take feedback constructively. They should be willing to make changes to improve their skills and abilities.

Be aware of individuals who demonstrate accountability
Great leaders take responsibility for their actions and decisions. They hold themselves accountable and are accountable to others. Look for individuals who are honest and transparent, and who take ownership of their mistakes. Leaders who can admit their faults and seek to make things right are more likely to earn the respect and trust of others.

In conclusion, identifying emergent leaders for your church is an essential step in advancing the ministry and ensuring its long-term success. Taking the time to identify the right individuals can help you cultivate their leadership skills and provide them with the necessary tools to become effective ministers. Keep the above qualities in mind when looking for potential leaders, and consistently provide opportunities for growth and development within the church. With the right approach, you can help to mold the next generation of leaders who will help guide the church forward on its mission to bring others to Christ.

CHURCH LEADERSHIP 101 CHURCH LEADERSHIP 101 Reviewed by Pastor Boachie-Ansah on 6:59 AM Rating: 5

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