I have just received this as a WhatsApp message and want to share it with you. Just read on.....
This modern world is very abreast with technology and without the use of technology, the world would be in a slow motion. The use of technology is very much needed in almost everything we do today: in our churches, in hospitals, schools, streets, recreational centres, companies, factories...etc.
Technology as explained by the WordWeb dictionary is ‘The discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems’, so yea, technology can be used to solve problems. But the question is, is technology being correctly used or abused?
This brings up to mind the most used technological tool in the world today: WHATSAPP. Whatsapp is an application in smartphones and tablets and nowadays on laptops for messaging. Just like Facebook, Whatsapp can be used to also send images and videos apart from only texting. But nowadays the most used medium to send satanic and erotic media is Whatsapp. So the question I would like to ask us all is, ‘can we also use the same medium to propagate the word of God and to send soul-lifting testimonies of the greatness of God in our lives? Yes we can!
My idea is that we should send Godly messages containing texts and media to people who are likely to read it and to forward it to other friends, in so doing, we can help to spread the Gospel very fast. Apart from the spread of the Gospel, we can also send encouraging and worthy jokes which contain rich moral values to liven up any sad soul. Statistically, there are 70% of people online on Whatsapp each and every day and about 400 million photos are shared on Whatsapp daily. Also, 64 billion messages are sent daily.
So Whatsapp can be regarded as a medium which can be used to snatch people from God and vice versa. With the growing concern of erotic sex videos and pictures shared on Whatsapp by the canal men, we as Christians can send pictures and videos of our Lord Jesus Christ to enrich our souls. As the statistics show, if only one person creates a message of encouraging words and forwards it to friends, about 450 million people using Whatsapp daily will receive the message.
The onus is on us to propagate the Gospel through the most abused medium in the technological world today and I hope we can do our part. Evangelism may not only be that you go out with a megaphone preaching the Gospel. Maybe someone will be asleep or bathing by the time you come around to preach to the person, that’s when Whatsapp come in. Because most people spend all their time online on Whastapp, the messages forwarded on the medium can never be skipped by the user; he or she will see the message.
We can create groups on Whatsapp to send daily devotions and encouraging testimonies and forward them to individual contacts which can be of great results.
I hope after reading this, we can do our best to help propagate the Gospel through Whatsapp.
The world is ours!
Joseph Attoh
Reviewed by Pastor Boachie-Ansah
2:51 PM

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