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Yes, today is my birthday
I thank God for all the opportunities in life
All the failures and disappointments
All the life-threating experiences
All the joyous moments I’ve experienced
I’ve lived and worked with many good people
Have had a fair share in dealing with treacherous brothers
And all these have worked together for my good
Have literally met with death on five occasions
But Jesus rescued me on all occasions
With all these, what should I do with my life?
I will keep on being the man God wants me to be
The servant leader my church wants me to be
The responsible father my family wants me to be
The salt and light that the world wants me to be
I shall keep on growing in strength by the grace of God
Never to live by any form of compromise
Any man who will expect me to live by his standards
Shall be a total disappointment
Surely, I will never exhaust the grace of God
Which has been portioned out for me
By the shed-blood of my Master Jesus Christ
I am a living testimony of the grace of God
And so shall it be all the days of life
Happy birthday to ME

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME Reviewed by Pastor Boachie-Ansah on 8:05 AM Rating: 5

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