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See that no one is sexually immoral (Heb.12:16)
The youth of today needs to be constantly reminded of these things.
1. Fornication 
Unlawful sexual intercourse or sexual intercourse between unmarried persons (Gal. 5:19). This is the commonest form of sexual immorality in our generation.

2. Adultery 
A married man or woman who breaks the marriage vow to have sexual relations with another person. It is otherwise called extra-marital relationship (Lev.18:20; Matt.5:27-28; 1cor.6:9; 2pet.2:14). In virtually every culture, adultery is not acceptable.

3. Incest 
The term incest comes from the Latin word incestus, which means impure. Incest is defined as sexual intercourse between near relations such as brother and sister, father and daughter or mother and son. The bible condemns incestuous relationships in Leviticus 18:6-10. The apostle Paul directed that a man who was having an incestuous relationship with his fathers wife in Corinth was to be handed over to satan (1 cor.5:1-5).

4. Homosexuality 
Homosexuality is any sexual attraction to persons of the same sex. For example, a man having sexual relations with another man (Lev.18:22. Even in the animal kingdom we do not see a male cow, sheep, pig. Goat or fowl having sex with a male counterpart or a female animal mating with another female.

5. Lesbianism 
Lesbianism is sexual intercourse between a woman and another woman. It is otherwise called female homosexuality (Rom. 1:24) While Lesbianism is an abomination before God and punishable in hell fire, the health challenges associated with it are also many.

6. Bestiality/zoophilia
Sexual relations between a human being and an animal. This has been condemned in the Bible. Leviticus 18:23

7. Cohabitation
This explained as a primary intimate relationship between an unmarried man and woman who share a home or room and live as if they were married.. The bible endorses the payment of dowry before a man can take a woman to his house as wife (Gen. 24:53; 34:12; Ex.22:16). Any Christian who wants to marry must first pay the necessary bride price, fulfill the legal marital requirement and have the marriage blessed in the church before the women is taken to the mans house.

8. Prostitution 
To offer ones body sexually for payment. It is otherwise called harlotry (Duet.23:17; Lev.19:29; 1kgs. 14:24).

9. Voyeurism 
It is defined as obtaining sexual gratification through watching. It involves peeping or watching an unsuspecting person or people, usually strangers, undressing or engaging in sexual activity. A typical example of voyeurism is the story of David and Bathsheba (2sam.11). Christians must avoid all kinds of voyeurism because Jesus said, But I tell u that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matt.5:28).

10. Exhibitionism 
This involves exposing ones genitals or sexual organs to a stranger. Exhibitionism expresses itself in the see through dresses some women put on. Some of these dresses expose parts of the womans breasts, lower abdomen, waist, navel, buttocks, underwear, and other sexually-provoking parts of her body. Exhibitionism is a serious public nuisance to all well-meaning and morally-concerned people. Let us remember Jesus caution, But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come! (Matt.18:6-7). From this passage, it is clear that Jesus has pronounced a serious curse on all those who are by any means causing Gods children to sin. This includes those who wear sexually-provocative dresses to seduce Gods children.

11. Pornography 
Pornography is the portrayal of sexual activities in paintings, carvings, literature, photos and audio-visual media with the intent to stimulate erotic feelings. Pornography is a very dangerous and subtle form of sex perversion, which is corrupting lifestyle today. In pornographic literature and films, deviant lifestyles are portrayed as normal and worthy of emulation. However, the private lives of most of the so called porn stars or pornographic actors are very far from the happiness they seek to portray in public. Christians must stay away from pornographic materials of all kind because once you get hooked; it can be very difficult to break from it.

12. Paedophilia 
This involves as adult who is sexually attracted to children. In this shameful act, paedophiles or children sex abusers usually project themselves as lovers of the children and end up exploiting sexually. The innocent are left with perpetual trauma, which makes it difficult for them to trust people. Paedophilia is a serious crime punishable by law. Acts of Paedophilia also include defilements. The Bible says, But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea (Matt 18:6)

13. Sex Deviation or Sex Perversion 
A general term denoting sexual behavior that diverges from socially accepted norm. Sex deviation includes exhibitionism, voyeurism, masochism (the tendency to derive sexual pleasure from experiences of domination, humiliation, pain and suffering), transvertism (the wish to behave as the opposite sex), and sexual fetishism (sexual attraction to an inanimate object or a non-genital part of the body)

14. Nudity 
To make bare, naked, undraped or uncovered. Nudity is a state of wearing no cloth or wearing less clothing than conventionally accepted. Generally. Women are the worst culprits as they tend to expose their bodies in order to attract men. However, some men are equally guilty. There are several types of nudity. Firstly, there is toplessness, which is an exposure of the upper part of the body. It can be a complete exposure or partial exposure of the breast. Secondly, there is mid-level nudity, which is an exposure of the middle part of the body to showcase the navel and part of the waist. Thirdly, there is what can be termed Lower level nudity, which exposes the womans lower section. The wearing of mini-skirts, hot pants and other skimpy dresses fall into category. Fourthly, there is frontal nudity, which is an exposure of the front part of the body. Fifthly, there is what is called rear nudity that is exposes the back of the woman. Finally, there is full nudity, which is a complete exposure of the body. There are naturist or nude beaches and resorts in several countries where users generally wear no clothing. People pay huge sums of monies to travel to such places just to publicly expose their nakedness and enjoy (or is it to disgrace) themselves. In some cases, there are special nude airline flights, all passengers are expected to strip themselves naked once they are airborne. May the lord have mercy on people in this dark world of sin! Acts of nudity are closely related to exhibitionism and it promotes voyeurism too.

Beware of any of these. If you have any problems with any of the sins enumerated here,  please consult your youth leader or pastor. You can be helped to overcome all these. 
God bless you.                                                                   

SEXUAL SINS TO AVOID SEXUAL SINS TO AVOID Reviewed by Pastor Boachie-Ansah on 10:10 AM Rating: 5

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