Main Texts: Isaiah 9:10, Nehemiah 3
Jesus Christ our Lord is coming soon. Every one of us must seriously involve himself so that the work of God would progress in our District.
That is the major essence of the theme of our first District prayers, Break Camp and Advance.
The Ephraimites in the first text determined to rebuild with cedars and dressed stones where fig tress and bricks had fallen. Let us all come together to rebuild our District.
Nehemiah and his people also rebuilt the broken walls of Jerusalem with oneness of mind and determination.
Take note that each of the ten gates of the wall represents a spiritual milestone in the Christian race which we should strive to either overcome or hold in check.
1. The Sheep Gate – The Cross and Sacrifice of Jesus (John 10:11).
Every Christian should remember the sacrifice Christ offered for us. We should offer time, talent and treasure for the Lord’s work.
2. The Fish Gate – Soul Winning (Matt. 4:19).
All should become “fishers of men”. We should develop effective strategies to win more souls than before.
3. The Old Gate – Old Nature (Rom. 6:1-23).
Get rid of your old ways of doing things --- renew everything.
4. The Valley Gate – Suffering and Testing (1Cor. 10:13).
That is, spiritual downers; Be ready to accept and deal with problems because they are sure to come.
5. ⚡ The Fountain Gate – The Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39).
Members and leaders in particular should seek fresh anointing from God in everything they do.
6. The Dung Gate - Works of the Flesh (Gal. 6:16-21).
Get rid of all “unwanted materials”. Every sin should be kicked out of the Church.
7. Water Gate – Word of God (John 4:10-14).
Don’t mix God’s word with fables etc. Seek for the pure word and don’t allow anybody to deceive you with cheap gospel.
8. Horse Gate – Spiritual Warfare (Eph. 6:10-17).
Nobody can fight your spiritual battles for you. Learn how to fight your personal battles.
9. ☀ East Gate – Christ’s Return (Ezek. 3;29).
Jesus our King is coming soon. Be prepared.
10. Inspection Gate – the Judgment Seat of Christ (2Cor. 5:10).
Jesus, our soon coming King will reward each an every one of us according to how we fare in the Christian race.
If you dont fully get involved, you may either be found wanting, or missing when Christ comes again in His glory.

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