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What is Going Wrong with our Current Christian Generation?
Texts: Deut 6:6-7

"And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 "You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.

In the last previous discussion on this topic, we discussed what went wrong during the time of Joshua. This time we want to examine what is going wrong with current Christianity in general.
Some youth group has described the present generation as ‘the most selfish people ever to inhabit the surface of the earth’. They went on to justify their claims by pointing to wanton destruction of the environment through lumbering, mining pollution of the air and the water bodies. ‘All these are done to satisfy present needs without recourse to the survival of generations after us.’ You may agree or disagree but I see some truth in their observation. Those who deserve the biggest blame are those in leadership because leadership is breaking down almost at all levels and fronts; whether political, traditional or religious.

On the political front, politicians are seen to be shirking their responsibility and concern for the masses. They normally remember the masses during electioneering campaigns but quickly forget most of them as soon as they are elected. The masses become asses manipulated to amass wealth.
On the traditional front, people no longer regard the leaders because most chiefs are accused of selling community property indiscriminately without rendering any accounts to the people they lead.

On the religious front, a lot of invasions are taking place with many false and fake men of God duping church members for personal gain. We also hear of fundamentalists, rebels and terrorists committing heinous crimes in the name of religion. All these make it difficult for the youth to trust leadership. And that may explain why generational gaps are being created in all facets of human endeavour of which the church of God too cannot be left out.

The general situation of Christianity also needs a total overhauling in order to have a better impact on the present and the next generation. But before we attempt how to impact this generation, let us examine what has gone wrong or is going wrong with the church of God.

1.     Segregation
Christians have been divided into two groups: the Laity and the Clergy. We have been made to believe that it is only the clergy who are doing the work of God.

2.     Denominationalism
Christians have been divided into denominations with denomination groups constituting different councils which do the work of God independently of others. Christians from every denomination see themselves as better Christians than others because of their achievements.

3.     Compartmentalization
Christians in various churches have been divided into groups; Children, youth, Women and men. Some of these groups literally fight among themselves about scopes of ministry. For instance, how do we expect our children to grow and take over from us when they do not join us in service but are always separated from the adults? It must be noted that in some cases, it is not the ministries per se, but lack of co-ordination between their leadership which is doing more harm to the church.

4.     Scramble for Recognition
Leaders fight for recognition leading to scramble for titles. What the early church saw as recognition for gifts are now being used as ranks. People want to be given titles before they serve in the Kingdom. For example, some church members would never sweep the chapel because that is the duty of the deaconesses. Some deaconesses on the other hand would get offended when some members clean the chapel without their approval!

All these have created more spiritual ashes which need to be removed in order for the Lord to be able to transmit the positive impact of our leaders to the new generation.

If the Christian leadership of today can effectively impact the present and the next generation, we need to think right, think fast, think outside the box and think ahead. May the Lord help us to play our roles effectively as transformational and trans-generational leaders of His church.



  1. Pastor God bless you for such insightful message
    Indeed we the youth need to prepare for the baton as our leaders are doing the parts

  2. God bless you too, Thomas for your good comment
