New Year Sermon by
Pastor Boachie-Ansah
Mark 4:35-41
On the same day, when
evening had come, He said to them, “Let us cross over to the
other side.” So
when they had sent the multitude away, they took Him along in the boat just as
He was. And there were also other boats with Him. Then there arose a great
storm of wind. And the waves were breaking into the boat, so that it was
already filling up. Now He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke
Him, and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” Then
He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still.” And the
wind ceased and there was a great calm. Then He said to them, “Why are you so
fearful? Have you still no faith?” So they feared exceedingly, and said
one to another, “What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea
Beloved in Christ, we thank God so much for all the mercies and favours he granted us during the year. When I consider the strange and horrible things I read on the web, newspapers as well as the shocking news from the TV throughout the year, the road accidents I saw on our roads, the breakthroughs we chalked as a church as well as the travelling mercies I was granted, I’m deeply appreciative and agree perfectly with the prophet that it is by the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed. The Lord laid this message on my heart about four days ago. And because I see it as more strategic, I want to deliver it without doing much hermeneutics on it.
As we take stock of God’s providence in 2013, we should take
note of the following lessons from the passage.
is better to depend always on Jesus: Jesus wanted the
Disciples to understand that His presence alone is enough to assure them that
they are not in danger. Whether it seems to us that He is fast asleep, dormant
or adamant to our prayers, He will act at the appointed time to deliver the
Sons and Daughters of God.
has other sides: One painful truth is that life has
other sides. At time it may seem everything is moving on smoothly for us. There
are other times that things may seem not to be working for us. Those who know
their God should venture to launch out into the deep with the assurance that
once Jesus is with us, things shall get better.
3. Man does not stay on the good side always in order to see the glory of God. At times, God uses the troubles from the other side to show us His glory. It is therefore advisable to consider all that come our way as God’s opportunities to be exploited to our own advantage.
4. Your skills alone cannot guarantee your success. Peter and his friends initially used their fisherman skills and thought there was no need to call upon Jesus. But when the goings got tougher, they called upon the Master. Right from the beginning of the year, you need to call Him. Commit all your ways to Him.
5. Jesus will not always be silent when His people are suffering. Just as Jesus could not keep quiet for the storm to kill Him and the Disciples, He will not allow anything to overwhelm His true servants. He will surely come to your aid.
6. At times, it is necessary for us to leave our comfort zones. If you stay put without exploiting the other sides of life, you miss so many blessings.
Beloved in Christ, we thank God so much for all the mercies and favours he granted us during the year. When I consider the strange and horrible things I read on the web, newspapers as well as the shocking news from the TV throughout the year, the road accidents I saw on our roads, the breakthroughs we chalked as a church as well as the travelling mercies I was granted, I’m deeply appreciative and agree perfectly with the prophet that it is by the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed. The Lord laid this message on my heart about four days ago. And because I see it as more strategic, I want to deliver it without doing much hermeneutics on it.
our passage, it can be quickly deduced that Jesus had a good motive for leading
his people to the other side of the lake. For instance, how could Jesus sleep
so deep in the midst of a great tempest so much so that the Disciples had to
shout hard on him? Jesus wanted to demonstrate that
all things were under his care and control because He is head over all things
(Jn 13:3; 17:2). After the ascension, God “put all things under His feet,
and gave Him to be head over all things to the church” (Ep 1:22). Jesus was
now head (in control) over all things for the sake of the church. “All things”
includes all that is of the physical world and all things that are of the world
of rational beings. Both the celestial and terrestrial worlds are now under the
control of Jesus (Heb 1:1-3; 1 Pet 3:22). The calming of the tempest at sea was
a miracle that was worked in order to prove to the disciples that Jesus has
everything under control because He alone has power over nature.
3. Man does not stay on the good side always in order to see the glory of God. At times, God uses the troubles from the other side to show us His glory. It is therefore advisable to consider all that come our way as God’s opportunities to be exploited to our own advantage.
4. Your skills alone cannot guarantee your success. Peter and his friends initially used their fisherman skills and thought there was no need to call upon Jesus. But when the goings got tougher, they called upon the Master. Right from the beginning of the year, you need to call Him. Commit all your ways to Him.
5. Jesus will not always be silent when His people are suffering. Just as Jesus could not keep quiet for the storm to kill Him and the Disciples, He will not allow anything to overwhelm His true servants. He will surely come to your aid.
6. At times, it is necessary for us to leave our comfort zones. If you stay put without exploiting the other sides of life, you miss so many blessings.
There are certain areas
in life that we need to cross over. If you downplay any of them, your wholistic
growth cannot be enhanced so it is better to take stock of your life.
growth. Do all you can to increase your spirituality. Fan
into flames all the gifts of God that are in you. Explore, unlock and exploit
every talent that is in you and operate at your maximum capacity and
and communication. Make it a point to communicate and
relate well as a child of God. Love people and mind your speech.
your work ethics. How do you work? What is your attitude
to work? You need to check these areas well so that the devil cannot use it to
chain you into poverty.
committed to your church. No matter how spiritual you are,
you need to keep yourself in the fellowship of true believers. Serve the church
and be loyal to your leaders.
conscious of your Family life and needs. Make it a point to
fulfil all your obligations to your family. Do well to keep your family running
and worshipping God in spirit and truth.
Thank God that you are
alive, and that Jesus is leading you to begin another year. He is adding a new
year to your life. He is opening a new page in your life. Surely your past is
over! As we are beginning a new year, I pray that you make conscious efforts to
cross over to the other side with Jesus. Or better still, you need to cross
over to Jesus’ side.
If He is not the Lord
of your life, accept Him into your life today. I assure you that the New Year will
bring you more victories, more achievements, and more Christ-likeness in Jesus'
name. I wish you all a happy and prosperous
New Year. Stay blessed.
Reviewed by Pastor Boachie-Ansah
4:09 AM

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